Tittle : Seni Bergaul ala Rasul
Author : Didi Junaedi
Publisher : Tinta Medina
Year : First printed, 2017
Total Page :  xii, 188 page
ISBN : 9786020894539

The era of today has turned into instant , all-round and increasingly modern, but  diminishes the morals of people. Many of us mock each other only because of simple problems. In addition, it can also creates riot among people that can affect the unity of Muslims today. Because of the lack of mutual acceptance of each other's opinions, 

Once upon a time, when the Messenger of Allah was chosen to be the last Prophet for this world, splits were rarely found among Muslims because they all referring to Allah SWT's kalam and his apostles. Moreover, they are supported by the morals of the noble companions who sacrifice their souls in order to establish the word takbir in all regions that the light of Islam hasn't reached yet. The unbelievers and munafiq were also guided by Rasulullah with noble character just like a mother who forgive his son when making mistakes.
How does Allah's messenger be so noble and gentle to those who hate him? Is it done so that their heart can be fragile like a stone that is always exposed to water droplets then be destroyed slowly by itself? 

With the presentation of a book entitled "Seni Bergaul ala Rasul" written by Didi Junaedi, it  describes some of the Prophet's morals and habits when hanging out with others and he is being acceptable to many people. It feels wonderful if we can imitate the way of the Prophet's companionship towards those who love them and who hate him.
 The book is divided into 25 chapters  which has a beautiful and noble usefulness. One of them is "Your Friend is your elderly Investment".
The characteristics that stand out in this book are presented with straightforward and attractive language, contained beautiful ornamental art and also presented an interesting stories that can be an example for us to get along with others in our social life which is certainly related to the name of the title.
As Muslims, let's re-establish the word Takbir by following the morals of the Prophet to be better in the life of society and also to revive the Rasulullah's sunnah-sunnah  which has long been eroded by western culture. With God's will, we will get the victory back as it used to be when the Messenger of Allah was still beside the friends and the believers.

Oleh : Aptarkhan Aurell Is Haque